Moorland Public School

We Are Proud Safe Respectful Responsible Learners

Telephone02 6556 5151

Equipment List

At Moorland School we do not charge any school fees or make any requests for voluntary contributions.

This is because we understand that most of our families have many other financial commitments and due to the hard work of our P&C Committee; and the limited funds we receive from the DEC/Government, we manage to provide necessary resources for our students. We do ask however, that parents supply the following items for their children:

Kinder - Year 2

  • Library Bag

All other materials are supplied


Years 3 - 6

  • Library Bag
  • Good quality lead pencils HB (not pacers)(optional)
  • White rubber (optional)
  • Pencil sharpener (optional)
  • coloured pencils (optional)
  • 30cm ruler (optional)
  • Blue and red medium ball point pen (Years 5 & 6; optional)
  • Glue stick (optional)
  • Scissors (optional)
  • Textas (optional)

Please place all equipment in a small pencil case (you can have a second pencil case for other equipment such as textas and colours).